Custom Order Robledo

Custom Order Robledo

Regular price $89.04
Unit price  per 

This is a custom order for Nathaly Uribe Robledo

The order consists of 7 candy apples in the following flavors:

2 - Strawberry

2 - Pineapple

3 - Cherry

Each apple is 12.00 for a total of: 84.00 (12.00 x 7 apples) + 5.04 Maryland State Tax (6%)

Grand Total: 89.04

The order will be prepared and shipped on Thursday, February 8, 2024.    Shipping charges will be billed separately.  Please note an ice pack may be included in the box should temperatures rise close to or above 65 degrees - thereby increasing the weight of the box.  Curbside pick up is available on Saturday, February 10 between 10 am and 3 pm at 300 E Lombard Street. Park on Commerce Street where a staff member will be waiting.  Arrangements must be made in advance.